In Phnom Penh, we meet Professors Chour Y Meng and Chan Ry, Directors of the National Paediatric Hospital (NPH) whom we had been introduced to at Sydney University by the Chancellor, NSW Governor Marie Bashir. Marie Bashir has been an active supporter of the Cambodian people over many years and together with the Dean of Medicine, Professor Bruce Robinson has established reciprocal educational placements. Professors Chour Y Meng and Chan Ry struggled to re-establish their hospital following the fall of the Khymer Rouge regime. At NPH we spent time catching up with Alana and Fiona who were doing their placements there and then Andrew at CSC. Alana had been at the NPH for a couple of weeks when we arrived so recounted to us the medical insights she was gaining from her placement.
Visiting the Children’s Surgical Centre (CSC) was an emotional milestone for us as this is where Carl spent most of his time in Phnom Penh and where he assisted the Cambodian people providing and utilising the medical skills he had gained. We had already shared emails with their Chief Executive Officer, Dr Jim Gollogly and had discussed Carl’s Scholarship and the needs of the CSC before our visit. On our arrival we presented the CSC with a plaque commemorating Carl’s placement of those sad but proud moments in your life. The CSC is an NGO that provides free rehabilitation surgery and assistance to all in need.